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2022 Cosplay Plans!

Hiya, hello, and Happy Harleydays!!

I hope your holiday season has been everything you could have hoped for and so much more!

With 2022 quickly approaching, I've decided to map out some plans for the new year!

In 2022 I will be at Rail City Fan Fest (June) and Flower City Comic Con (September) as a guest and cosplay judge!

Cosplay Plans (in no particular order):

  • Sith Harley (Star Wars crossover)

  • Sailor Quinn (Sailor Moon x Harley Quinn)

  • Harley x Jinx (League of Legends)

  • Injustice Harley Quinn (Prime Version)

  • Injustice Harley Quinn (Insurgency Version)

  • Harley Quinn Batman Ninja

  • More special effects makeup work


  • Book more conventions (if you want me at a con near you email them and request me!)

  • Read through my unending stack of comics

  • Launch Harleen Makeup (pre order now here: )

  • Stick to a bi-weekly podcast schedule

  • Live streams weekly

  • Bi-weekly or monthly YouTube videos

Stretch Goals:

Some goals are small, some are longer and more time consuming, but this is what I hopefully plan to do in 2022! I use goals instead of resolutions because a resolution is failure or success as opposed to a goal which is trying to achieve something, so this year don't set a resolution for yourself, set a goal and work towards that!

If you want to see anything else from me or have ideas send them my way! I LOVE hearing from you with your ideas! As I've said from day 1 on all of my accounts, it is not my account, it is OUR account because the accounts would be nothing without your support and suggestions!

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for an absolutely amazing 2021. Here's to 2022 being even bigger!

Love always,

Sweetheart Harley
