Hello and happy Sunday!
Grab a snack and lets catch up together!
It's a new year (HAPPY LATE NEW YEARS!) and I'm re-centering what brings us all together- our Maiden of Mischief and Clown Princess of Crime, Harley Quinn! But what does that actually mean? Hold one one moment- we're getting there.
Before we get to the nitty gritty, it's almost the day of love where cupid shoots hearts one after the next. For this special occasion I created a 7-piece lingerie line inspired by Harley over on my couture website; Dress for Dopamine!
Every month of 2023 I will also be releasing a custom designed and hand made (by me) classic Harley Quinn cosplay that you can BUY! Yes- even just the cowl! So far I've released a New Years and Valentines Day, so make sure to subscribe over on D4D to not miss those!

NEXT! I just launched a brand new cosplay magazine where you can submit your cosplays, sfx makeup photography, prop builds, etc. This is a magazine of professionals sharing their craft with the world. The title is *drum roll please* Insomnia Cosplay Magazine because we are built to go days without sleep to finish our builds! Please check that out right here and keep an eye out for the first issue release! I just launched SMS notifications in the Harleyvere so you can be notified via text instead of just an email update!
And lastly, what you're really here for!! 2023 UPDATES!
Here is my compiled list of what I'll be doing this year including the old, the new, and the ever changing!
In no particular order:
At least 1 blog post a month covering comics, Harley news, Harley comic reviews, new cosplay builds, etc.
The Sweetheart Harley Podcast with Harleen is COMING BACK! I'm looking to February to get it started back up, but I want to post 1 podcast a month talking about all the topics YOU want to hear about and maybe some interviews?!
YOUTUBE! The house tour will be coming eventually but I'm going to get a lot more active on my youtube with tutorials, builds, 'how to's', etc. All that fun exciting stuff that goes on behind the scenes. This I'm also projecting February (again- I will update so make sure to sign up for SMS!).
I'm starting a new and exciting adventure with my magazine ICM so I hope you all love it and snag up the issues when they release! I am officially announcing it today on my Instagram, so fingers crossed for a positive response!
A brief interruption to announce I'M GETTING MARRIED in September specifically, so this year is going to be crazy busy between designing new lines for Dress for Dopamine, the magazine, and all my plans!
5. Speaking of plans.... COSPLANS! Okay- so- I have no set list because there are at least 25 I have already conceptualized so I'm going to share some with you! I may make some of these, I may make others on my list! Regardless, this year is going to be JAM PACKED with so much Harley you'll keep coming back for more! (Let's be honest, you can NEVER have too much Harley!)